Convert Spreadsheets using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET and Java

Reason to use a Document Conversion API

The world is becoming a global village and businesses running all over the world interacting and collaborating with hundreds of institutions across the globe, the data gathered from different sources come in a number of different formats. Even the data arranged within an organization could be compiled in different formats depending upon the person or department gathering and maintaining it. You may also find yourself in a situation where the older files being used within the company may no longer be compatible with the company’s needs due to certain changes in company policies and software being used by it.

For handling such scenarios and to fuel information governance and digital transformation initiatives, organizations must extract more valuable information and business insights from those documents which have either become incompatible or had already been in some format not supported by their systems. However, before an enterprise can leverage the information they already have, they must transform their unconsolidated content into a universal, readily accessible format and in doing so, they also need to make sure that the valuable data present in actual files may not get lost while making those conversions.

GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET and Java

GroupDocs.Conversion released both for .NET and Java makes this conversion of documents extremely easy and the automatic conversion saves the time and effort to rewrite the document in the desired format. It provides the fastest conversion between a variety of formats keeping the safety and quality of the documents in check. There are numerous features added to the API, the most common of which include the option of converting the single page of the document in the desired format or process the whole document and apply watermark at the same time on the complete converted documents.

Skip Empty Rows and Columns

Here today, we will discuss another important feature of the API which is extremely helpful while converting documents from the Spreadsheet format. By using this feature, you can optionally hide the empty rows and columns while converting the spreadsheet documents. Following are the simple steps for using this feature:

  • Set “SkipEmptyRowsAndColumns” property against the API
  • Load your desired spreadsheet document
  • Convert the document into your desired format

Following example demonstrates how this feature can be used when converting to PDF using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET:

Java developers can use the following code:

A converted document will look like the following screenshot: