Redact Classified Content from Documents using All-New GroupDocs.Redaction for .NET

We are continuing the journey of revamping our products to bring a more simplified and easy to use interfaces for you. We have done it for many of our document manipulation APIs and recently, we have released all-new GroupDocs.Redaction for .NET API for you as v19.9. With this release, we have made it even easier for you to programmatically remove or mask classified information from text, metadata, and the annotations in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF documents as well as images.

Why upgrade to the new API?

First of all, let’s have a look at why the new API is different from the previous one. The following are the key points about the changes we have introduced in the latest release.

  • The architecture of the API has been revamped to perform major product optimization.
  • The classes and methods have been renamed to make it even simpler to understand and use.
  • The Document class has been replaced with the Redactor class as a single entry point to manage the redaction process for all the supported document formats.
  • The methods RedactWith() of the Document class have been replaced with similar Apply() methods in Redactor class. 
  • The method Document.Save(Stream, SaveOptions) has been replaced with Redactor.Save(Stream, RasterizationOptions).
  • Renamed RedactionSummary to RedactorChangeLog, RedactionLogEntry to RedactorLogEntry, and MetadataFilter to MetadataFilters.
  • The classes for options and exceptions have been put into separate namespaces. 
  • Obsolete members have been removed from public API.
  • Added a number of new exception classes and base exception class for GroupDocs.Redaction exceptions.

How to migrate?

The migration to an API version with major updates is always hard since it requires considerable efforts to update the code. However, these efforts are valuable when you get something more improved and efficient in the return. So if you are already using GroupDocs.Redaction for .NET and want to migrate to the new API, let me give you a code comparison between the new and the older versions. This way, you will get an idea of how things would be changed after migration.

Old coding style

New coding style (since v19.9)

For a complete list of all public API changes, please have a look at the release notes.

Alright! Are you interested in trying out the new API? If yes, download or clone the complete source code examples from the GitHub repository. You can consult the documentation to get details about all the features of the API. In case you find any issue or something confusing, do let us know via our forum.