A simplified and easy to use document comparison API

A major advantage of GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET is its ability to tightly integrate with any .NET project. This integration gives an extra mark to your application or project. GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET 19.9 comes with a lot of breaking changes. The legacy API have been moved into Legacy namespace. So, when you update to this version it is required to make project-wide replacement of namespace usages from GroupDocs.Comparison. to GroupDocs.Comparison.Legacy to resolve build issues.

Below are the key reasons to use the new updated API since version 19.9:

  • Comparer class introduced as a single entry point to compare documents of any supported file format with various options and ability to accept/reject found differences in resultant document
  • Overall document related classes are unified to common
  • API architecture is redesigned from scratch in order to simplify passing options and classes to manipulate comparison
  • Document information and preview generation procedures are simplified

How to migrate?

Lets see briefly that how much things have been changed. Below is the code snippet that we used to write for documents comparison in older versions:

And given below is the most recent/updated code:

Is there any updated support material?

Yes, we have updated GitHub examples and documentation as well. Please download or clone latest example project and observe the difference yourself.

If you would face any issue while using or upgrading to the latest release, just post it on our forum and we will assist you.