Get Document Metadata without Editing in C#

We have added a lot of new options and features in this major release/update of GroupDocs.Editor for .NET 19.9. All public methods/classes have been moved to Legacy namespace and they are marked as obsolete. Now, when you update to this latest version, it is required to make project-wide replacement of namespace usages from GroupDocs.Editor. to GroupDocs.Editor.Legacy to resolve build issues. Access release notes here.

Why to migrate?

  • Editor class introduced as a single entry point to manage the document editing process to any supported file format (instead of EditorHander class from previous versions)
  • Architecture is redesigned to decrease memory usage
  • Simplified document editing and saving options

See difference in code
This was supported in old API

We have simplified and optimized code to this much in the new version

What’s new?
We have added a new GetDocumentInfo method using this method you can get a document’s metadata information without editing it.
What information exactly?

  • Family format and exact document format
  • Encryption flag
  • Number or pages/tabs
  • Size

How it works?
The new Editor class, which supersedes deprecated EditorHandler, contains this method. Once the document is loaded into the Editor class, this method can be called to obtain meta information about the loaded document without opening it for the editing purpose.

Text Save Options

Previously, there was no direct option to save edited document in a plain text format. We used WordProcessing save options for this purpose but that didn’t allow to configure parameters while saving into text format.

GroupDocs.Editor for .NET version 19.9 contains a new TextSaveOptions class that is actually implemented to save edited document to the plain text.
TextSaveOptions contains following settings:

  • Ability to specify whether to add bi-directional marks before each BiDi run when exporting in plain text format
  • Ability to specify whether the program should attempt to preserve layout of tables when saving in the plain text format

The Options namespace contains TextSaveOptions class.

As there are a lot of public API changes. Before getting started, we’d recommend you to go through API references and example project.