Add Form-Field Signatures in PDF using GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.11


We are pleased to announce another monthly release of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET. This latest release 18.11 of the API comes up with a multitude of new features like the ability to add form-field signatures in PDF documents and many more. We therefore recommend you to download the new version of the API to evaluate the exciting new features and enhance your document e-signing experience.


Sign PDF Document with a Form-Field Signature

The Form-Field Signatures are the input control which are placed in a document page. Following example demonstrates how to add Checkbox in a PDF document:
// instantiate check-box form field signature
FormFieldSignature checkboxSignature = new PdfCheckboxFormFieldSignature("FieldCheckbox", true);
// instantiate options based on check-box form field signature
PdfFormFieldSignOptions checkboxOptions = new PdfFormFieldSignOptions(checkboxSignature)
    HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
    VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
    Margin = new Padding(120, 20, 0, 0),
    Height = 10,
    Width = 10
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign("02_pages.pdf", checkboxOptions,
    new SaveOptions { OutputType = OutputType.String, OutputFileName = "Pdf_FormFields" });

Search Form-Field Signatures in a PDF Document

API allows you to search for Form-Field Signatures like Text, Checkbox or Digital within the document. Following example demonstrates how to search Form-Field Signature in PDF document:
// setup search options
PdfSearchFormFieldOptions searchOptions = new PdfSearchFormFieldOptions();
searchOptions.SearchAllPages = true;
searchOptions.NamePattern = @"Field";
searchOptions.Value = @"Value1";
// search document
SearchResult result = handler.Search("Pdf_FormFields_Signed.pdf", searchOptions);

Metadata Signatures for Slides document

The Metadata Signature is the additional document property that contains special attributes/tags to keep non visual information inside the document. Following example demonstrates how to compose Metadata Signature options for Slides document:
// setup options with text of signature
SlidesMetadataSignOptions signOptions = new SlidesMetadataSignOptions();
// Specify different Metadata Signatures and add them to options sigature collection
// setup Author property
SlidesMetadataSignature mdSign_Author = new SlidesMetadataSignature("Author", "Mr.Scherlock Holmes");
// setup data of document id
SlidesMetadataSignature mdSign_DocId = new SlidesMetadataSignature("DocumentId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
// setup data of sign date
SlidesMetadataSignature mdSign_Date = new SlidesMetadataSignature("SignDate", DateTime.Now);
// setup some integer value
SlidesMetadataSignature mdSign_Days = new SlidesMetadataSignature("DocDays", 12345);
// setup data of sign date
SlidesMetadataSignature mdSign_Koeff = new SlidesMetadataSignature("SignKoeff", 2.345M);
// sign document
string signedPath = handler.Sign("test.pptx", signOptions,
    new SaveOptions { OutputType = OutputType.String, OutputFileName = "Slides_Documents_Metadata" });

Search Metadata Signature in a Slides document

You can search for Metadata Signatures within the Slides document. Following example demonstrates how to search Metadata Signatures in Slides document:
// setup search options
SlidesSearchMetadataOptions searchOptions = new SlidesSearchMetadataOptions();
// set if we need built-in signatures
searchOptions.IncludeBuiltinProperties = true;
// search document
SearchResult result = handler.Search("SignedMetadata.pptx", searchOptions);

Additional Verification Criteria

This latest version of the API provides few additional properties to verify Digital Signatures of Words document.
// setup digital verification options
WordsVerifyDigitalOptions verifyOptions = new WordsVerifyDigitalOptions("SherlockHolmes.cer");
verifyOptions.Comments = "Test1";
verifyOptions.SubjectName = "Signature";
verifyOptions.IssuerName = "GroupDocs";
verifyOptions.SignDateTimeFrom = new DateTime(2017, 1, 26, 14, 55, 57);
verifyOptions.SignDateTimeTo = new DateTime(2017, 1, 26, 14, 55, 59);        
//verify document
VerificationResult result = handler.Verify("digital signatures.docx", verifyOptions);

Available Channels and Resources

Here are a few channels and resources for you to learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Signature API for .NET:


As always, you are welcome to share your feedback to improve this product. We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.