Remove Empty Paragraphs in GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 18.10

We are delighted to announce a new feature in the monthly release of GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 18.10. Using the latest version, you can now remove empty paragraphs in word processing, presentation, and email documents. We recommend you to install and use the latest version of the API.

Features Introduced

While assembling a document, if syntax tags are removed or replaced with empty values, the output document will have empty paragraphs. In version 18.10, we have introduced a new member RemoveEmptyParagraphs in DocumentAssemblyOptions. When this option is applied using DocumentAssembler.Options, the engine additionally removes empty paragraphs. You can use this option for the following document types:
  • Word Processing Document
  • Presentation Document
  • Email Document

Use Case

Template document.
Result document without the new option applied.
Result document when the new option, RemoveEmptyParagraphs is applied.
For more details on this feature, please visit this documentation article.

Available Channels and Resources

Here are a few channels and resources for you to download, learn, try and get technical support on GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET.


As always, if you have some questions, queries or suggestions about GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET API,  just share with us by creating a forum thread.