Manipulate Document’s Password Using GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 17.4.0


Team GroupDocs is really glad to announce the release of version 17.04 of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET API. A number of new features have been introduced in this release. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET API now allows its users to manipulate a document’s password and implements various options in this regard. A user can now protect a signed document with a password, remove password from a protected document and change the password of a document etc. Apart from features pertaining to password protection; the API also introduces some extended options for image signature appearance like specifying gray scale filter,  brightness, contrast and gamma filters etc to the image signature. Well, that’s not just all; The latest version has also come up with an enhancement related to the implementation of font strike out property for all text signature implementations for supported document types. So what are you waiting for? Simply download this latest release and check out all the new features and improvements made to the API in this release.

GroupDocs.Signature for .NET API – New Features

Version 17.04 of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET API introduces the following new features: For more details about the API features, please visit features overview.

E-Signing API – Improvements

Version 17.4.0 of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET API comes up with the following enhancement:
  • Implementation of  font strike out property for all text signature implementation for supported document types

GroupDocs.Signature for .NET API : Available Channels and Resources

Here are a few channels and resources for you to learn, try and get technical support on Document Signing API for .NET:


As always, you are welcome to share your feedback to improve this product. We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.