Tag Archives: GroupDocs Document Dashboard

Document Management with GroupDocs

The GroupDocs dashboard provides you with several features for organizing files and folders. The new dashboard is very user friendly, so you get familiar with it pretty quickly. In this post, we focus on the GroupDocs dashboard. I’m going to list some of GroupDocs dashboard’s key features useful for document management:
  • Perform actions easily: One of the main features of the GroupDocs dashboard is it intuitiveness. For instance, it’s easy to access the action menu and perform actions
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6 Situations When You Need to Convert Documents

One of the features that GroupDocs offers is document conversion, converting documents from one file formats to another. There are lots of different reasons why this is such a big deal. If you’ve never been sent a file you couldn’t open, or had a file you sent somewhere returned to you because the recipient couldn’t open it – you’ve been lucky! It is becoming much easier to send documents from one application or operating system to another. In the… Continue Reading
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Uploading a Document to GroupDocs

You’ve got a GroupDocs account and now what? This blog post is the first in a short series that walks you through how to use GroupDocs. In the coming weeks, well explain how to:
  • use GroupDocs Signature,
  • share documents with your colleagues,
  • convert images to use as thumbnails, and
  • assemble a document.
But first, we’ll explain how to upload a file. That’s the first and most basic task that you can perform once you’ve logged in. It’s as easy… Continue Reading
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