Team GroupDocs delightedly announcing another release of Spring front-end of GroupDocs.Viewer for Java. The release includes fixes and improvements. We recommend to download and try the latest version. GroupDocs.Viewer for Java API have capabilities to render variety of documents into HTML, SVG and images to view them on different platforms. The Spring front-end is an open source example application so you can explore the API and learn that how to use the API in your own projects.
Viewer API HTML rendering improvement
HTML rendering of the documents is fundamental part of our API and has been implemented in all of our Java front-ends. This release have some further improvements in the rendering and fixes some formatting issues.
Java Viewer API Rendering Images Feature
GroupDocs.Viewer for Java also have the capability to render complex image formats like DWG and PSD. One of our user (thanks Simon) reported that there was some difficulty in rendering of images in a specific scenario, which we have resolved in this release.
Supported formats
Following are some common document formats for viewer.
As always, you are welcome to share your feedback to improve this product. We will be happy to know your thoughts. Just create a forum thread and our dedicated support team will be there to respond.