Display and Securely Share Documents of More than 50 File Formats from within Your ExpressionEngine Website

GroupDocs.Viewer for .NETGreat news for ExpressionEngine site owners and developers. Not a long time ago we’ve published a new plugin that allows you to integrate the GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET library into your ExpressionEngine website. The plugin is now available for download from the EE marketplace. This integration adds an ability to display 50+ types of documents right on your ExpressionEngine website. Among supported file formats are: PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio, RTF, CSV, CAD, multipage TIFF and a lot more. One of the key features of the viewer is a capability to display documents in a “read-only” mode. Documents displayed within your website are not downloaded to user machines, but rendered in a browser just like a regular web-page. Thanks to the DRM (digital rights management), all document copying options (printing, downloading, text copy/pasting) can be easily disabled. This allows you to protect you content from unauthorized copying, while still sharing it with others. This latest integration is the third GroupDocs.Viewer plugin released for ExpressionEngine. It allows you to integrate the downloadable .NET version of the viewer, which can be deployed on-premises. Earlier we also released plugins for the downloadable Java and cloud-based versions of the viewer. If you already own a GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET license, you can use the plugin for free. In case you don’t have a license yet, you can still download the plugin for free and test it with an evaluation copy of the library. For more details on the plugin and installation instructions, please visit its page on the official ExpressionEngine marketplace.