Online Document Viewer from GroupDocs: How It Works for the Healthcare Industry

The technology research firm Gartner states that the demand for SaaS (Software as a Service) products will continue to grow in a recent report (February, 2013). The report highlights that some of the top segments for the SaaS market will be:
  • Office suites,
  • IT operations management and
  • storage management.
Corporates understand the need to stay abreast technology trends and are taking the necessary steps to move towards cloud or web-based document management systems. Following the changing trends almost all industry verticals seek to adapt newer technologies to collaborate faster, lower costs and increase revenue. In this blog, we’ll focus how GroupDocs’ online document viewer can benefit one of the world’s largest industries: healthcare.
How GroupDocs Viewer Benefits the Healthcare Industry

How GroupDocs Viewer Benefits the Healthcare Industry

How Does the Healthcare Sector Operate?

Organizations in the healthcare sector work with a wide range of information, from patient data, through insurance forms for claims precessing, to sharing financial records, even viewing X-rays and displaying reports, forms and all kinds of files. They need to share, view, and read large amounts of medical records to manage operations efficiently. Disseminating information or reports to doctors, patients, and pharmacies easily and securely is important for a positive customer experience. In a way, viewing and sharing reports is a key task. According to Plunkett Research Ltd. market survey in 2011, the global healthcare market was projected to be $5.5 trillion and expected to grow further. With increase spending in medicare from developed and growing markets, healthcare organizations need cutting edge technology that cater to their needs.

Introduction to Online Document Viewer from GroupDocs

GroupDocs Viewer is an cloud-based application for sharing and viewing documents. GroupDocs’ online document viewer tool is software and platform independent, that is, you can view most common file formats online without installing any new software. Our application supports and works with a range of files, from text documents (PDF, Word), reports (Excel), presentations (PPT, ODT), to image files (JPG, GIF, etc.). The rendered document retains the exact quality of the original. The entire process of sharing and viewing documents is smooth. All you need to view a file is a web browser. Let us see how GroupDocs Viewer works in a real-life scenario.

How Can GroupDocs Viewer Benefit the Healthcare Sector?

GroupDocs’ online document viewers offers compelling features that can be used to achieve:
  • Collaboration: GroupDocs Viewer simplifies the document viewing process. It makes it easy to share documents and lets readers access files through a browser: they don’t have to download files, append them to emails or use special software. Information can be shared between departments (for example medical – admin – accounts) without having to worry about whether everyone has the same software.
  • Multiple File Format Support: Hospitals share lots of different file formats: spreadsheets, documents, images, medical reports, invoices, etc. GroupDocs Viewer is compatible with all common business file formats so one solution lets you share all files. Share a medical report (ODT) with a doctor, without worrying about cross-platform or cross version issues. All they need is a web browser.
  • CMS Integration: Most websites or portals are built using Content Management systems. For example, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or ExpressionEngine, and so on. GroupDocs’ plugins allow you to embed documents to websites or applications. We support a huge range of CRMs to make sure that you can embed files whatever platform you use. With GroupDocs, it is as easy to embed a file and a viewer as it is to embed a YouTube video. Just copy, paste, and publish.
  • API and SDK’s: Product companies can leverage GroupDocs API SDK’s benefits to integrate the GroupDocs app suite into their applications to make a robust document management platform. Don’t code your own document viewer: save ours and save time.
  • Access to Other GroupDocs Apps: Access the other powerful GroupDocs apps:
  • Save resources: Storing, sharing and reading documents online saves resources and money. Online files don’t get worn, or mislaid in the way paper-copies does, and are more secure.
Healthcare organizations require all these features and need to work efficiently. GroupDocs can help.


Governments and state agencies worldwide are beginning to accept the web-based document management model and see the potential it offers. Digital documents are easy to share across teams, even widely dispersed ones. A tool like GroupDocs Viewer also overcomes cross-platform issues so that everyone who needs it has easy access to files. It allows health organizations to move towards a paperless environment and, at the same time, engage in document collaboration with GroupDocs’ online document viewer.

About Rahul Gulati

Technical writer with GroupDocs