Today we will find out how to use GroupDocs’ Ruby SDK. We will create a GroupDocs Signature envelope sample with the Sinatra framework. GroupDocs Signature envelopes are used to prepare documents for digital signature and managing the signature process.
Setting Up
First, create the application folders structure:
your_app/public – for CSS files.
your_app/samples – for sample files.
your_app/views – for view files, we will use Haml for these.
Lines 1-3 requires the Sinatra framework, GroupDocs SDK and haml for our views.
Lines 5-7 creates our first root with a view named index.haml. By default, Sinatra looks for view files in views directory.
Line 13 includes all Ruby files from the samples directory.
Now lets work on the views. Create a parent layout file called layout.haml. It is really easy to work with HTML using Haml.
Find out more about Haml.
Here’s anonline tool for converting HTML to Haml.
Note that in Haml, you don’t have to close tags and indents are very important! “= yield” is where child templates are included. In index.haml you’ll see an h1 header, div container and ul list with one list element that links to our envelope sample: You can add any HTML attribute like this: {:your_attribute => “your attribute value”}.
The Starting Point
Before creating the envelope sample, lets look at what we have. To avoid problems with starting the application, use rvm. (This article explains how to install rvm.) Now install a local bundle by typing this command in a terminal, while in the app directory:
gem install bundler
If it is installed already, use this command:
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
And now you could start the application:
bundle exec ruby app.rb
In the terminal, you will see something like this:
Terminal - Terminal massages after starting Sinatra server
Open in you browser with the URL http://localhost:4567/ and you will see the following:
Index page with CSS - After adding CSS the page looks like this
Creating the Envelope Example
Lets create envelope_sample.haml in your views directory with the following content: We have created a form that sends the ClientID, PrivateKey and the file to be signed. Now write the Ruby code that handles the get and post request as the file envelope-sample.rb in samples directory: We have created one GET and one POST request.
Extending the POST Request
Lets extend post request and use the GroupDocs API: 1. Configuring GroupDocs SDK.
GroupDocs.configure do |groupdocs|
groupdocs.client_id = params[:client_id]
groupdocs.private_key = params[:private_key]
groupdocs.api_server = ''
raise "Please enter all required parameters" if settings.client_id.empty? or settings.private_key.empty?
rescue Exception => e
err = e.message
Handling a Callback
Lets handle the callback: 1. First, wait for callback and create a text file with parameters that the server sent to us:
post '/envelope-sample/sign' do
# Content Type of callback is application/json
data = JSON.parse(
raise "Empty params!" if data.empty?
#create empty file and write data as "key: value" to it
outFile ="signed", "w")
data.each do |key, value|
outFile.write("#{key}: #{value} \n")
rescue Exception => e
err = e.message
2. We can also wait for a callback and download the signed envelope as ZIP file.
post '/envelope-sample/sign-and-download' do
data = JSON.parse(
raise "Empty params!" if data.empty?
GroupDocs.configure do |groupdocs|
groupdocs.client_id = '' # Your client Client ID here
groupdocs.private_key = '' # Your API Key here
groupdocs.api_server = ''
data.each do |key, value|
if key == 'SourceId'
# Create envelop with id and name as SourceId parameter from callback
envelope = id: value,
name: value
# download signed documents as archive
envelope.signed_documents! '.'
rescue Exception => e
err = e.message
3. Create route to check if callback was sent:
get '/envelope-sample/check' do
if File.exist?('signed')
File.readlines('signed').each do |line|
'Have not signed yet'
Check the file that was created in /envelope-sample/sign